May 9, 2000
Michael Parks, Editor
LA Times
Times Mirror Square
Los Angeles, CA 90053
Dear Mr. Parks:
Have you no limits, no bounds, no responsibility to fairly report the
truth? The article "Troubling Record For Anti-Aging Doctors" by Benedict
Carey published May 8th is so rife with misinformed spin as to fail the
modest criteria of the National Enquirer for factual reporting. A4M's membership
of over 8600 physicians and scientists from 55 countries has no more disciplinary
actions against them than does the membership of the American Heart Association
or American Medical Association. The article implied that there are 50 members
of the A4M in California. In fact, there are 748 members, 603 of them actively
practicing. To arbitrarily select a non-representative group of doctors
from one geographical area and then compare them against the country at
large and suggest that this somehow is a representative sample of the A4M,
an all volunteer non-profit 501(c) 3 public society of medical professionals
-- of whom, to my knowledge, Edmund Chein alone is in any conflict with
the medical boards -- is bogus statistics designed to mislead and defame.
Worse still, these issues were pointed out to your writer who chose to delete
them. Beyond this simple deception with numbers your reporter failed to
address the fact that 75% of all disciplinary actions by boards have nothing
to do with malpractice or incompetence, but are rather administrative issues
dealing with record keeping or even issues as trivial as not paying license
fees on time. The overwhelming majority of A4M members practicing the
clinical science of anti-aging medicine are already board certified by a
traditional medical board such as internal medicine, endocrinology,
family practice, emergency medicine, OB-GYN, and are members in good standing
of their boards, the AMA, and their state licensing boards.
Your reporter's deliberate effort to deface and defame a noble young
profession who is offering new hope and new technologies to overcome mankind's
oldest and most debilitating disease -- old age -- is morally contemptuous,
brutish and not in the service of humanity. A4M in its short tenure
of but 7 years has done more to advance the cause of advanced diagnosis
and prevention of disease as well as the important new concept that aging
is a treatable condition, than has the NIA and AARP combined over the past
30 years. Far from being a questionable science, anti-aging medicine is
100% rooted in the best-published work from mainstream medical science.
I know of not one person who has died from these therapies, yet I do know
of thousands who have been helped and whose lives are healthier, more productive
and complete thanks to the conservative and proven techniques of anti-aging
medicine. I urge you to correct this unconscionable report and to set
the record straight with the truth about this legitimate and worthy medical
specialty; your integrity and the quality of lives of your readers hang
in the balance.
Ronald Klatz, M.D., D.O.
President, American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine